Thursday, October 8, 2009

Ghouls! Ghouls! Ghouls!

With Halloween approaching and the weather turning chilly I thought it would be a good time to have some fun making horror themed accessories. Along with my good friend and AZAC designer Batty, we've created a new line called "Ghouls! Ghouls! Ghouls!" with just debuted on Etsy. We will also be vending our bloody accouterments at this year's Crytpicon Horror Convention in Houston, TX.

Impulse Shopping?

Is it funny that pregnancy tests are considered "impulse buys" and featured prominently at the check out next to Twizzlers and gum at my local dollar store?

Monday, September 28, 2009

For The Love Of Bento!

I've stayed up past my bed time again, trying to cheer myself up by watching adorable Japanese cooking videos on YouTube. I've been obsessed with bento forever but never brave enough to attempt one on my own. For now I'm content just looking at pictures like these fabulous examples:

Another discovery I made this evening is a hilarious Japanese Youtube show called "Cooking With Dog" where a poodle named Francis makes everything from udon to tempura. To me the yummiest looking recipe was this but I am an octopus freak:

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Spinsterhood & Cats

Last night I went to see The Psychedelic Furs with my friend Shu. It was a festival of hot girls that made me feel so insecure. They all seemed to have perfect skin, shiny hair, hot bodies, cool outfits and wonderful husbands and boyfriends...the life! As a single chubby girl who gets and occasional zit, growing out a bad hair cut, I felt green with envy to the point where I almost wish I hadn't gone.

After the show we walked to a bar where I ran into an old friend who gave me the scoop on an acquaintance's surprise divorce. They seemed to be a perfect couple, so happy and in love. They had great careers and a cute house in a trendy neighborhood, everything you could possibly want. Turns out the answer for the breakup is quite simple: he met someone hotter.

After last night I have really learned my lesson: looks are everything! Now that I'm out of my 20's it's pretty much futile to hope to find love unless I have expensive plastic surgery and develop an eating disorder. Since those are not options at this point I have my choice of living alone as a cat lady or join a convent. At least now that I know the infinite truth about men I can have the freedom to eat whatever I want, not shave my legs and save money on make-up. You see, there are pro's to this situation. I won't have to agonize about the fidelity of my mate of suffer the heartbreak of a painful divorce either. A fair trade I guess.

These aren't exactly new theories but I was always optimistic about finding true love until last night. Now that I have resolved to stay a single woman for the rest of my life I can fill my time with hobbies and interests I never had time for. Going to play with my cats now...

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Gross Vintage Recipe of the Day

Taken from "The Thatched Kitchen Harvest & Holiday Cookbook" 1972.

Seafoam Salad
1 can Dole crushed pineapple
1 package lime gelatin
1 cup water
1/2 tsp. seasoned salt
1/2 tsp. dill weed
1/2 c. dry vermouth
2 c. dairy sour cream
Crisp salad greens

Drain pineapple well reserving all syrup. Add syrup to gelatin in a 2-quart sauce pan. Stir in water, seasoned salt and dill weed. Heat mixture to boiling, stirring constantly to dissolve gelatin. Remove from heat. Stir in vermouth. Chill until mixture reaches consistency of unbeaten egg white. Blend in sour cream. Fold in pineapple. Pour into a 1 1/2-quart ring mold. Chill firm. Unmold onto crisp salad greens to serve. Makes 6-8 servings.

People of Wal-Mart

I feel a little bad for ratting out the cashier that took 20 minutes to ring up the people in front of me because she was altering their prices. I went to Wal-Mart to take funny pictures of the shoppers after seeing The People of Wal-Mart website and after spotting a filthy homeless wearing a shirt that said "I may not be Mr. Right but I will fuck you till he gets here" on a previous trip. The guy in front of me was wearing sagged pink leopard jeans, revealing a pair of girl panties with the word "Love" on the butt. There were no pictures but for me the memory will live a long life in my head.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Sick Days

I am at home recovering from emergency gall bladder surgery. I let mine go for ten+ years knowing it was full of stones because I was scared but in doing that things were much worse. It's all good though. Aside from some scars and a bit of lingering soreness I feel much, much better than I have in years! I even lost a little weight. I'm going to post some gross pics of my gall bladder and a stone the doc let me keep really soon.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Let Me Eat Cake

Not sure what's wrong with me but lately I've been craving fancy, gooey, delectable CAKES! I dream of seven dark, chocolaty layers, squished between foamy wads of white frosting and dusted in cloud-like wisps of coconut or a tiny cupcake in it's accordion pleated paper mounded high with sweet, frosting butter cream that hangs over the side. I imagine it because I can't have it! The closest thing I've got in my pantry are some stale vegan cookies and fruit strips. Noting like the majestic pastries of my dreams.

Maybe this longing comes from the absense of a Birthday cake. It was somehow left out of the plan. Nothing went right that day and nobody thought that a little sugar coma might be good for me. I guess it'll have to be my gift to myself becase I gotta have it! I need the sweetness! Not sure if I should embark on a quest for the best or make my own but I'll post pictures of what I end up with. It'll be a deliscious trip!

Sunday, June 28, 2009

It Was A Great Day Houston

I was watching Great Day Houston reruns and thought one of the topics was great. I've always liked Deborah Duncan, especially a story she did on Marvin Zindler many years ago and her candidness about her Brother's death. She has this naive quality that may not make her the "sharpest" TV journalist but one of the most unique and honest.

Anyway, the show I saw was about racial and cultural diversity. She did this exercise that is an ongoing thing in town where they focus on a specific culture and all sit around asking the special guest questions that we all think but are too embarrassed or afraid to ask. For example, she asked an Indian woman what the dot was on her head and then they ate curry and tried on sari's. What a fun and brilliant idea! I'd love to be part of a group like that. The world is so interesting and it sounded like a cool way to learn more, broaden you mind and meet some really great people.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Quick List Update

-I can't wait to get my hands on some pale blue, non-metallic nail polish!

-Tomorrow is Gay Pride and I'm looking forward to the festivities.

-Have a sort-of-date with the guy that dumped me back in February. He's coming over to help me hang some 60's swag lamps I bought. I need help finding the studs...LOL! Not sure what to wear to a lamp hanging party though.

-Had a lazy day full of naps, Michael Jackson news updates and Chinese takeout when I should have been busy listing things on Etsy or cleaning my apartment.

-My Birthday was really interesting even though I didn't get to see Roky Erickson. Ran into lots of entertaining people and had a late night dance party with my girls, then drinks at a seedy gay bar at 7 a.m. I'm getting way too old to party like that!

-Went sex toy shopping last night with a some friends, one being a smokin' hot tranny prostitute. the conversation was amazing and I learned a lot about her line of work. Then we grubbed down some Olive Garden. J gave me half of her pink double-ended vibrator for my Birthday.

-Bothered by the fact that all of my friends are so obsessed with texting. I put my mobile away when I'm out and don't think it's proper to have it sitting on the table while I'm having dinner. I also don't feel like I have to compulsively check my phone or immediately respong to every message. Get a grip girls!

-Chelsea Hotel is playing tomorrow at Rudyards with my friends The Gin Slingers. Robert, the singer of CH is so totally hot. I have the biggest crush ever and he's such a rock star. He was a founding member of The Pagans.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Birthday Party

Tomorrow is my 34th Birthday and if you haven't picked my gift already I have a suggestion for you:

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Just A Quick Update

What have I been up to you ask?

Went on a fun road trip that really changed me and gave me lots of time to evaluate my life. Found lots of inspiration and new interests. Had my first peanut butter and banana sandwich at Graceland and took lots of pictures.

The last stop was New Orleans, my old magic city, but things just weren't the same there. There was this angry, negative vibe everywhere I went. I visited some old haunts, had my first oyster omelet and went home feeling a little sad but with a new sense of self.

I've got to cut this post short because the cats want food and it's way past my bed time. I did something today that had me biting my lip but the sweet response I got was well worth it. Now I can rest and dream about the things I want to accomplish this week.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

First Post

This is obviously my first post and I'm still figuring all of this out. Hopefully I'll get the hang of it soon so I can post all of my April pics including the new kitty!